State Authorization & SARA

State Authorization Compliance

State Authorization allows East Carolina University to offer educational opportunities to students outside North Carolina and nationwide.

Each state has unique authorization requirements,so ECU must pursue authorizations to offer programs and experiential learning opportunities (internships, clinicals, student teaching, etc) in all other states.. Our team is dedicated to researching regulations and seeking and maintaining approvals, so you can participate in programs offered at East Carolina University wherever you are.

Requiring authorization of educational programs also ensures that students are protected as consumers. Authorization laws help ensure that a student is not investing in a program that is not legitimate or a program that does not lead to the license or credential that the student was expecting.

Because authorization is an evolving area, please check this site again for the latest statement from ECU.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA)

East Carolina University has taken steps to protect its students and operations through nationwide compliance: by participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA); obtaining authorization, approval, exemptions and waivers; or confirming that East Carolina University can operate without such authorization because the state’s laws do not pertain to a public institution, to an accredited institution, or to ECU’s activities in that state.

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) is a national initiative to provide more access to programs and courses while maintaining compliance standards with state regulatory agencies.

Participating institutions of SARA are authorized to provide education to students from all SARA member states. Institutions that choose to participate in SARA operate under a set of policies and standards overseen by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. For more information about the SARA initiative and the progress of state and institutional membership, please visit NC-SARA.

As of November 15, 2016, East Carolina University participates in the National Council State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements and is, therefore, authorized to offer online programs and courses in al its members states and territories.

Currently, California is the only state that is not a member of SARA.  The California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education does not regulate out-of-state public institutions. Therefore, Bureau approval for ECU to offer educational activities in California is not required. East Carolina University may offer programs, courses and experiential learning activities to students in California due to state regulatory exemptions.